Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pardon Me, do you think I'm that stupid?

Oh my...selling a house sure is a painful process.  I figured it would be, at least a little bit painful, but wow.  Now, for beginners, I know that the market is AWFUL, and we bought high and will have to sell low.  We are trying to do for sale by owner, to try and bring the price down for negotiation and all that fun stuff.  Needless to say the agents are having a hay-day with us.  We get at least two-four calls from agents.  One particular, we knew we wouldn't use.  He just, well, to be frank, he was a, um, a buttocks.  That's a nicer word for it, I guess.  He gave us some awful numbers and I had the fortunate opportunity to be on the phone with this man.  Then my poor Mr. came home from work right then.  I'm sure enjoyed the rant.  Then another agent called this afternoon.  Maybe an hour ago.  She was much nicer, gave us numbers that were a little better, but not quite what we were hoping for.  I know that we won't get what we want, obviously.  Anyway, while I'm listening to her, I'm trying to wipe peanut butter and jelly from Baby N's fingers, when I heard her say, "So, with my fees, I have you coming to the table with at least $36,000.00, so what can help you guys get started with?"  My instant rage came in the blink of an eye.  I tell you, my eyes probably flashed red for a few seconds there.  I fought with everything in me not to say, "Excuse me, do you think I am STUPID?!  I'm not using you!"  Don't get me wrong.  I know they have to make a living, they're just doing their job, but seriously!!  I finally gathered myself enough to say, "We'll let you know. Thanks for your time."

1 comment:

  1. Sorry they keep calling you! I think they are all looking for work and are trying hard to get work and it comes off wrong when they call people. I can't say much since we have many sales people out everyday going door to door at businesses looking for a new client. Just hang in there and if they get annoying just hang up on them. ha ha ha


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