Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nothing but...

LAUNDRY!  Of all the house chores that must be done, why can't laundry fold and put itself away?!  I've never been a huge fan of laundry.  And yet, I can't really tell you why this is.  Not like its hard.  You pull it out of a machine that did the hard part for you.  Bless my dear husband that puts up with finding the laundry on the couch most of the time.
  I'm working on turning my house into the 'magic' house.  You know, the laundry magically finds itself folded perfectly in the drawers it goes in and the bed is always made, the rooms are all picked up, the dishwasher is always ready to go, the toilets are clean.  You know, that kind of house.  It may take me a while.  I do have the beds made most of the time, but that's all I have to say.
  But last night, right after I finished getting the girls fed, and found my husband was going to be later than he had planned and was going to miss Bishopric meeting, my cell phone rang.  The number didn't look familiar, but I picked it up anyway.  It was a really nice lady.  And she and her husband wanted to come look at the house.  In about mmmm, twenty minutes.  Can you panic attack?  I put in the movie for the girls, put them in their jammies, and ran.  I mean RAN!  I was sweating before they got there.  But, I must say, waking up to a clean house, was wonderful.  But then I came downstairs and saw the overflowing basket of clean, but now wrinkled clothes.  I meant to fold them last night, I really did.

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